Sunday, February 5, 2012

A birthday party–finally!

02 04 12_1845Well, after a week and a half of sick children, 2 visits to the doctor, numerous trips to the drug store and a total of 4 days missed between 2 boys, everyone is well at my house. And best of all, Gabe finally got to have his 9th birthday party this past weekend. His 2 best buds came. He had cake and gifts and pizza. What’s better than that??


Wendy said...

I'm not sure I've ever told you this, but I love that you write on the boy's birthday cakes. I don't recall Mom doing that on our cakes and think it's cool that you do!

Dixie Cochran said...

Happy to hear that everyone is well at your house! Looks like Gabe had a happy birthday.