Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It has really good flavor!

I'm so blessed with a wonderful husband. He made meatloaf last night. Now, he's not a huge fan of meatloaf but he knows I like it. I don't particularly like to cook so I don't get very creative but he likes to try new things so he found a meat loaf recipe and wanted to try it. He bought some "meat loaf mix". Hmmmm. Sounds suspicious. But I was all about trying it if he was willing to cook it. Afterwards, he sent email out to family members who knew he was experimenting with this. Here's how it went:

Amy: It has a really good flavor (she says with a funny look on her face.)

Jeff: So you like it?

Amy: It has a really good flavor (still with a funny look on her face.)

Jeff: So you like it?

Amy: Is this part a little pink? (That funny look is getting a little funnier.)

Jeff: I’m sure it’s done. It cooked for an hour and fifteen minutes.

Amy: It has a really good flavor. (That funny look is still on her face.)

Jeff: Taco Bell?

Amy: It’s a texture thing. (You know the next line; about the funny look and all.)

Jeff: The meatloaf mix meat is ground beef, pork and veal. Maybe that’s what it is.

Amy: It has a really good flavor. (Funny look etc.)

Jeff: Maybe next time I should just try the lean ground beef instead of the “meatloaf meat.”

Amy: It has a really good flavor.

That pretty well sums up our conversation at dinner. But he was such a good sport about it. I love him for trying to make me meatloaf!

(Sorry there is no picture included. It really wasn't very pretty!)


Wendy said...

This is one of the funniest things I've read in a long time. But the big question I've been meaning to ask... Was there a Taco Bell run? ha ha

Larry said...

My question also...did you eat it?
No visits to the hospital emergency room? No meatloaf food fight? Inquiring minds want to know!

Dixie Cochran said...
